
54 tools
ColorGrab for Dribbble

Steal Beautiful colors from Dribbble shots easily.


Automatic UI Color Palette Generator

Dribbble Colors

Dribbble Colors allows users to search Dribbble shots by color using hex code. is a web multi-color schemes generator.


WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in…


Paletton uses a color to create a color scheme. It has plenty of previews and simulations to accomm…

Social Colors

A collection of brand color for all major social media platform. Now you get the brand color for yo…

Experimental Gradient Editor

Play with gradients using this tool

Adobe Color CC

Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Kuler …


The biggest collection of official brand color codes around. Includes hex colors codes for 500+ bra…

Color Claim

ColorClaim is simple. All I do is collect my favorite color combinations on one big page. Usually t…

Color Hunt

Color Hunt is a free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked c…


Cone is a delightful and easy to use color picker for the real world.

Flat UI Colors

Flat UI Colors features a total set of 280 colors are on your command for COPY / PASTE for your nex…

Gradient Hunt

Gradient Hunt is a free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-made …

Material UI Colors

Color palette generator for Material Design


A handpicked collection of beautiful color gradients for designers and developers


Colormind is a color scheme generator that uses deep learning. It can learn color styles from photo…


Hue is a collection of hand-picked color palettes for inspire your design and make beautiful websit…

Site Palette

This Chrome extension allows you to generate complete palettes from any website.


The AI color tool for designers. Discover, search, and save color combinations you'll love.


Tool for generating random colors.


Beautiful and simple UI for generating web gradients.

Palettte App

Create, analyze and edit smooth color palettes

ColorHexa is a free color tool providing information about any color and generating matching co…

Color Supply

Color Supply gives you a collection of interesting color tools for matching color schemes.


Free web app which allows you to identify the color


Online tool which allows you to combine colors.


Geenes is a color scale tool to help you generate color palettes for user interface elements and th…

Material Design Palette Generator

Material Design Palette Generator pulls the colors of Material Design out of Google’s documentation…


ColorBox by Lyft Design can help you create cool color sets that you can use and share. With plenty…

Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours

A recreation of the original 1821 color guidebook with new cross references, photographic examples,…

Trendy Palettes

Trendy Palettes is a curated collection of hand-made color palettes that you can use for projects.

Color Leap

Color Leap is a color palette generator that allows you to move through different points of history…


Google, but for colors. The tool asks you to enter a word or phrase and returns color results – by …


Scale is a tool to help you see a color scale for actual use. See tints of a color in steps so you …

Cool Backgrounds

Cool Backgrounds helps you create a trendy background element with color and gradients and shapes. …


Browse hundreds of color combinations and save your favorites for later use.


This tool allows you to enter an array of codes and generates a color palette with each color ident…


This tool allows you to easily see the adjustments to colors right on the screen.

Color Collect

Easily collect colors from the real world with Color Collect for iPhone and Android. Get color insp…


Curated color inspiration — Free to use for your next project.


Color palettes generator and color gradient tool

Colors & Fonts

Colors&Fonts is a curated collection of color gradients, color palettes and font pairing inspiratio…


Culrs gives you a simple smart approach to choose color palettes

Eva Design System

Deep learning color generator


Search through the most voted products on Product Hunt

HTML Color Codes

Easily find HTML color codes for your website using our color picker, color chart and HTML color na…

Color Tool by Material Design

Create and share color palettes for your UI, and measure the accessibility of any color combination.

LOL Colors

Curated color palette inspiration


Visualize The CSS Color Function


Polarite is a machine learning assisted decision making app for generating harmonious color schemes.


Generate beautiful color palettes using the knowledge of millions of designers.


An open-source tool for generating color based on target contrast ratios

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